How to process Land Title Transfer? In the Philippines, processing land titles is an important aspect of real estate transactions. A land title is a legal document that proves ownership of a piece of land.

Land Title Transfer

It is important to obtain a land title when buying or selling land in the Philippines to ensure that the transaction is legal and valid. The process of obtaining a land title can be complex and time-consuming, but it is necessary to ensure that the transfer of ownership is properly documented.

How to process Land Title Transfer in the Philippines

Land Title Transfer
Land Title Transfer

Here are the steps to process land titles in the Philippines:

Verify the authenticity of the land title.

Before starting the process of transferring or processing a land title, it is important to verify the authenticity of the document. This can be done by checking the Register of Deeds, which is a government agency responsible for maintaining land records. The Register of Deeds will provide a certified true copy of the land title, which should be checked for any discrepancies or inconsistencies.

Secure a tax declaration

A tax declaration is a document that indicates the assessed value of the land for tax purposes. This is necessary to determine the amount of taxes that will be paid for the transfer of ownership. The tax declaration can be obtained from the Assessor’s Office in the municipality where the property is located.

Pay the necessary fees


There are various fees that need to be paid during the processing of land titles in the Philippines. These fees include transfer taxes, registration fees, documentary stamp taxes, and other miscellaneous fees. The amount of fees to be paid will depend on the assessed value of the property.

Prepare the necessary documents

There are several documents that need to be prepared when processing land titles in the Philippines. These include the Deed of Sale, Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT), Tax Clearance Certificate, and the Original Certificate of Title (OCT). The Deed of Sale is a legal document that transfers ownership of the property from the seller to the buyer. The TCT is the document that proves ownership of the property, while the OCT is the original document that was issued when the land title was first registered.

Submit the documents to the Register of Deeds

Once all the necessary documents have been prepared and the fees have been paid, they must be submitted to the Register of Deeds for processing. The Register of Deeds will review the documents and verify that all the requirements have been met. If there are any discrepancies or errors, the documents will be returned to the applicant for correction.

Wait for the issuance of the new land title

After the documents have been reviewed and verified, the new land title will be issued. This process can take several weeks to several months, depending on the volume of applications being processed by the Register of Deeds.

Transfer the utilities

Once the new land title has been issued, the utilities such as water and electricity must be transferred to the new owner’s name. This is necessary to ensure that the new owner is responsible for paying the utility bills.

If you are going to buy a property from a developer like the Tierra Alta San Fernando by Dreambuilders Inc. or Lladro House by Camella Homes, the developer will be the one to process the Land Title Transfer for you.

Lladro - Elegant Cebu House for sale
Lladro – Elegant Cebu House for sale

In summary, processing land title transfer in the Philippines can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is necessary to ensure that the transfer of ownership is properly documented. It is important to verify the authenticity of the land title, secure a tax declaration, pay the necessary fees, prepare the necessary documents, submit the documents to the Register of Deeds, and wait for the issuance of the new land title. It is also important to transfer the utilities to the new owner’s name to ensure that they are responsible for paying the bills. By following these steps, you can ensure that the transfer of ownership is legal and valid.